TEST Values


The four TEST Values (Trust, Empathy, Sustainability, Transparency) are catalysts that drive individual, organizational and societal transformation.

Trust is the currency for Transformation and nonhierarchical Power. It is a form of energy that changes over time. Trust is built on consistent  intent, ethics, actions, and results. In a business model we access Trust as forms of energy that are exchanged, aggregated, augmented, and leveraged. Strategies for building and sustaining Trust are essential ingredients to implement Strategic Harmony.

 Empathy triggers active listening, caring and laser-focus on stakeholders’ needs. It lies at the foundation of inclusivity. It opens the door for any team to go beyond their boundaries and limited point-of-view. It is based on unlearning typical assumptions and traditional beliefs about a problem or its solution; it drives a transformative business model.

 Sustainability is a value, state of mind and physical condition. It drives equitability and harmony.  It connects all ecosystems and networks to optimize the outcomes for all stakeholders. The resulting collaboration reveals new strategies and technologies to achieve purposeful outcome.

 Transparency drives integrity, and authenticity. It’s a child of the digital media movement resulting in open and challengeable content and explosion in personal data. It allows organizations to develop deep understanding of the individuals, who they interact with, and the ability to connect with them in a more efficient and meaningful way. Data and analytics are a source of power.