About Us
Creating a Better Future

About Catalyzer Labs
In the contemporary world of chaos and uncertainty, the business community is searching to determine the New Normal…a comfortable, low risk state of incremental change. Rather this transition is an imperative that business and organizations strive to define as a dynamic, exponential approach to Strategic Transformation.
In response, the Catalyzer Lab designed Strategic Harmony…bridging the internal force of Love (Harmony) with the external force of Power (Strategy) to transform organizations’ business models and social impact. It turns a crisis 180° — from an enemy to an opportunity; from corporate chaos to catalytic transformation; and from disruption to a strategic direction.
Catalyzer Lab provides an organizational reset using the ABCD’s of Transformation to address the enterprise’s challenges to become a sustainable business. Its VBID (Values-Based, Impact-Driven) Learning Platform prepares executives, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders for disruption and uncertainty—aligning purpose with mindsets, uncovering stakeholder-centric strategies and propelling collaborative action. It guides your team to direct scarce resources to sustainable impact.
Strategic Harmony is ongoing transformation—reinventing how we transform internally (as an individual and organization) and how to translate that change externally (through business models, offerings, and impact). The aggregation of how each of us and our organizations share value(s) in responding to a crisis (e.g., climate threat, pandemic, exponential technology) will determine the state of New Harmony.
What is CARE?
C. A. R. E. stands for Catalyzing Action for Responsible Enterprises, representing our mission to spark meaningful change through entrepreneurship.
The C. A. R. E. principles include principles and criteria for caring for people, planet, prosperity, of community and profit.
Conscious purposeful, authentic mindset
Accountable AI-driven stakeholder metrics
Regenerative builds sustaining, resilient systems
Equitable drives inclusive opportunity & impact
Our Vision; Unleashing Human Potential, Transforming Communities
We empower change makers through immersive workshops in a wide variety of locations around the globe designed to drive sustainable impact with entrpreneurs and start up organizations.
Accelerating Sustainable Impact = (AI)(Aligning Values*Augmenting Power Skills*Harmonizing Sustainability*propelling Entrepreneurship)
What We Do: Capacity Building
Catalytic Leaders Lab
A Dynamic series of seminars designed to cultivate young business leaders and entrepreneurs.
Digital Transformation
An series of executive workshops to align your organization to take advantage of a digital transformation.
Building a Digital Brand
Eexecutive seminars with everything your organization needs to know to build a successful digital brand.
Post Covid strategist
The world has changed and to stay relevant you must ensure that you are ready to make your business successful in a changed world.